Total number of existing small businesses in the USA: 33.2 million Total number of Gen Z population living in the USA: 67 million Logical Conclusion: Not having strategies to attract Gen Z into your workforce is a sure shot recipe for disaster. Gen Z, a short name for Generation Z, is the tribe of people born between 1997 and 2012. They are young, vibrant, quick learners, and agile in the way they approach any task. But here is what makes things more interesting… Practically, technology penetrated the world of small business in the late 90s. And the internet penetrated their world in the late 2010s. By nature, people born between these years talk and understand technology well. And technology IS the future. Today, the youngest of Gen Z talks about AI and the oldest builds it. Logically, if Gen Z works for you, or even gives you any input, your business is bound to grow. And for this reason, your business vision board and goal list should shout: Attract Gen Z! A simple Google search for strategies to attract Gen Z will offer you 2.7 million results in 37 seconds. Sounds like a jackpot, but it’s not. Most blogs will offer a generic approach to bringing Gen Z on board. And this doesn’t work. Because: Gen Z doesn’t need what you offer. You need what they offer. And they understand this well. Way before the Gen Z crowd is out of college, they get a job. In this case, how can you lure talent that is chased by major brands already? In fact, does a small-medium business even stand a chance to attract Gen Z? Another approach, adapted by many, is going for the Gen Z crowd who don’t have relevant skills and creativity. In this way, you attract the Gen Z but practically they will have almost nothing to offer. This opens up two logical problems: 1] How to attract Gen Z for small-medium businesses? 2] What strategies to attract Gen Z will genuinely work? The answer is - be creative and daring to solve this problem. Think outside the box. One has to be innovative and a bit risk oriented to survive the competition and overcome these challenges. The pro tip is, think about what Gen Z wants and offer them what they ask. Strategize your goals according to their needs. Now this may vary from person to person and company to company, but there is always a pattern available in success. Employee attraction is an art and a wonderful skill. Learn it. To make things simple, we are sharing a few patterns below. Along with this, we are also sharing some pro tips. If executed well, you will see Gen Z working with your company in no time. Gen Z will make money eventually. There is a tiny gap between the skill they have and what the market needs. This makes them unstoppable when the goal is to generate income. But it also deprives them of other things. The fact is, the coming time could be brutal and stressful. Things will be more practical and mentally draining. It demands altogether a unique skill to handle such challenges. Even Gen Z will find it challenging to handle . Here your company can play a key role. Offer them culture. A culture that talks about bonding and growing together. A culture that is beyond work. Any company that offers activities and things like mental health drives, international travel, yoga classes, time flexibility, trust, freedom etc. will win over others. Remember, it’s not about taking first, it’s about giving first. Strategy: Advertise your next opening and inform the world what you have to give. On social media, shout out, you are the company that promotes employee wellness and strongly believe that a healthy employee means 10X productivity. Beyond social media, anywhere else you post a job, make sure you make it clear what your core values are. Shout your culture, not the money. Money is a by-product of a good culture. Gen Z knows it better. Produce care and it will return multi-fold. 2010s – Bosses could be right, but I have a different opinion 2020s > - The one who is right, is right. It doesn’t matter what position you have. What matters is – WISDOM! People don’t respect bosses anymore because they are bosses. Today, it’s all about value addition. If you want respect, then add value. And Gen Z can add tons of value to your organization. The pace at what they grab, filter, and execute the information available for free on the internet is priceless. What they fail at is not getting value and respect in their own company. Bosses still reflect ego when it comes to accepting an opinion of a young person. New startups with few employees are beating old bosses with experience. This is because new startup CEOs are more open minded. They know they can be wrong. They respect wisdom over title. Beat this to see the priceless knowledge being served to you via Gen Z. Strategy: Involve Gen Z in the core decision-making elements of your company. You don't need to accept everything they say, but you always have to listen. They aid in a lot where you can’t reach yourself. Most breakthroughs will involve them directly or indirectly. Pro-tip is: Start by offering them challenges and consider their reply. Challenge their views and offer them advice. Make them part of your team to the core. Let this protocol go out in the market and in no time Gen Z will be attracted to your organization. Serve them your vision, so they serve it back to you. Growth is natural. You want to grow, your company wants to grow. Everyone wants to grow. Gen Z also wants to grow. And growth is an endless process. If applied strategically, you will never fail. Teach growth to Gen Z. Serve them growth. Gen Z wants to see a better version of themselves everyday. It is a goal that makes them happy and passionate about life and work. Learning is the fuel that drives Gen Z and you take a lead to start the drive. Strategy: Tie up with various learning management systems like Udemy, Coursera, etc. and offer the best possible growth course to your Gen Z member as a perk. Not only this, arrange for an in-house career growth counselor who can guide Gen Z at every step of their career. While posting job ads, remember to say you are offering money as a salary for them to learn. General strategies to attract Gen Zs are excellent, but saturated. No one will listen to you in a crowd. Your company needs to standalone and shout on social media and other platforms about how different you are. Then only you will be heard and noticed. Let’s connect the dots on how these 3 strategies work to create miracles. Please note, they are outstanding as standalone as well. But together, they bring the change you wish to see in your company. Step - 1 - You attract Gen Z for jobs by offering them a great culture. A place that is cool and also futuristic. Step - 2 - They also know that their opinion matters. In company, when they are in, you hear every small knowledge they bring and respect it. Step - 3 - And with time, their grooming and nurturing happens, which influences the growth of your business. This is what you and your company needs to stand out from the crowd. If you want to attract the Gen Z crowd, you need to understand their heart and mind and hit them subtly there. Attracting future employees is an inward out strategy and not the other way. It is a classic example of a pull strategy. You can’t force a Gen Z to work for you because they need a job. Neither a fancy ad will lure them. And nor a good brand will bring them in. If you want to attract Gen Z, you have to be THE ONE whom they are attracted to. Culture + Respect + Growth is what will attract Gen Z. Rest all they have or are capable enough to buy or build.
1] Attract Gen Z by Offering A Workable Culture
2] Attract Gen Z by Giving Them Respect
3] Attract GenZ by Serving Growth
Top 3 Strategies to Attract Gen Z to Your Organization
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