The current situation is critical for many countries due to COVID-19 viruses. Almost every country takes a decision of many days of lockdown in the whole country. This lockdown directly affects every business of that country. If a business gets affected it is obvious that the economy is also affected.
Still, many organizations try to work remotely or give work to their employees so they can do it from home also. But many other businesses can not do work from home. Work from home becomes a new normal way to work and if managed properly, it can also give the same result as working in an office.
But it is not easy to manage or make everyone work together because each employee uses their freedom to do work which shows the lack of supervision and direction, so it is time to concentrate on some points through which the productivity of the companies or business remains the same during this lockdown period. And how well you can utilize this time for your business.
This is the best time for employers to analyze every small detail of their business process. So employers get ideas about weak points and in future i.e after lockdown, they can focus on that. Analyze your business process, the complexity of the business, work environment and critical path of your business.
In this period the productivity is as usual or decreases due to employees working remotely, analyze that and try to find out the reason Is every employee is giving their 100%?. Is there a communication gap?. Responsibilities you give to the right employees?. Or anything else. Go through the flow of your business and you will get many more points to analyze. These analyses help you to understand things differently.
Business Planning
During the regular day of work, the employer is not able to give much time to the business planning section because lots of activities run simultaneously. So at the time of lockdown, they can prepare their business plans for the present as well as for the future.
Make plans for short term and long term objectives and what should do to achieve them. Employers can also join their business planning team through conference calls. Neither employers have too much work nor they have to make any big decisions so they can calmly focus on business planning. Do plan for each phase of your business like business strategy, sales, marketing, operational plan, financial plan, etc.
Keep Your Eyes On The Market Situation
At this time it is important to keep updated about the market situation. The market situation is not the same for every business, maybe the market slows down for many businesses but other businesses are making more profit in this hard period like pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Don’t take any decision regarding your business during this time, keeping in touch with your existing customers is more propitious than finding new customers because it may not be possible to create a new customer in this lockdown period. Update your news feed, say your team makes their eyes and ears open.
Plan To Run Your Business In Case Of Disaster
Sudden lockdown in the country, this thought never comes in any business person’s mind that they have to survive this type of situation. But it gives a lesson to every business to be prepared for continuous business work in any situation. So you can make a plan on how to be ready for any disaster. Disaster is not about the only earthquake, flood, etc. it is also the small thing business failed to serve or anything which may be an obstacle for your business to run smoothly. Before making a plan keep every situation in your mind and also what should be your business priorities. “Preplan For Everything”.
Research Of Competitors
To run the business successfully then it's an essential factor that you should awake about your competitors. Catch your competitors and stalk them. Find out what they are doing by just searching their name on google you will get all the information about your competitors along with their blogs and customers' feedback. Positive feedback from customers helps you more to know about your competitors. Catch them on social media, many companies have community and use social networking sites. In a lockdown, you can spend your time finding the strategy or plans of your rivals.
Productivity Tools
Almost every company uses different types of tools to make them more productive. That tool makes coordination between the employees or makes their work easier. If you want to stay in the competition, you have to research different tools which increase your company's productivity. But for the present situation, your employees need communication tools like Slack and Zoom which allow the entire team to communicate on one platform. “Communication makes or breaks companies productivity”. You can enhance new tools which are useful in the present situation and after that too.
Plan To Start After COVID Ends
Many employees are doing work from home which maintains the productivity of companies but still, there is lots of work which is not possible to do. You can make a plan of that, list out the activities which you will perform essentially after the lockdown. You also plan the distribution of those activities among employees. Also, a list about the all-important decision you are going to take and the plan which you are going to implement. By this, you can decrease your workload and make the best utilization of time.
It is a really hard time everyone is facing, markets become slow down and affect the country’s economy. Many people lost their jobs due to the down market, but it is appreciating that many companies are maintaining their staff while few are hiring.
Work is important but not more than your health…….
So Stay At Home and Be Safe